About us

Asix+ Whitepaper Ver 1.1

Anang Hermansyah | President Commissioner

Anang Hermansyah is a musician and record producer in the field of music. With more than 33 years of career in the music world, Anang Hermansyah has a vision and mission to develop a blockchain-based music platform through Project Asix+ Token with the aim of reducing piracy and plagiarism. In addition to a public figure, Anang Hermansyah has also served as a Member of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia Commission 10 for the 2014-2019 period. Currently, Anang Hermansyah also has businesses such as Lumiere Cake and Pastry, Asix Chicken Outlet, AExpert Skincare and Asix+ Token.

Azriel Hermansyah | Commissioner

Azriel Hermansyah is the second son of Anang Hermansyah, as a crypto enthusiast, Azriel Hermansyah has the same vision and mission as his father to develop Asix+ Token as a blockchain-based music platform. Azriel Hermansyah is also currently completing his Academician education while helping his father to develop other businesses.

Juny Maimun | Chief Executive Officer

Juny Maimun is a Digital Technology Expert and Expert in Internet Network Security. More than 20 years of experience as a Digital Technology Expert made Juni Maimun fully understand the development of Digital Platforms. Juni Maimun or also known as Acong De Conte is the Founder of Indowebster and Owner of Indogamers.

Danny Baskara | Chief Teknologi Officer

Danny Baskara Blockchain developer and programmer Dani Baskara. is well known in the Indonesian crypto world as one of the pioneering blockchain developers in Indonesia and has a lot of experience in developing blockchain projects.

Furthermore, Danny Baskara founded Vexanium Coin.

Young Lex | Chief Marketing Officer

Young Lex is a well-known Rapper Singer as well as a crypto minner and crypto influencer in Indonesia. in addition, Young Lex has a lot of experience orbiting new Influencers in the entertainment world and made him understand Branding, Marketing and Selling. Young Lex is also the Owner of 100 Music and 100 Entertainment Artist Management.

Haris Maulana | Chief Operational Officer

Haris Maulana is a graduate of Master of Sociology of Development, University of Indonesia who participated in starting and building the Mr. Anang Hermansyah’s company until present. Additionally, he has over ten years of experience handling all Mr. Anang Hermansyah Company operations, so there is no need to question his knowledge and abilities.

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